Sunday, May 16, 2010

Faith, Love, Hope, Shelterwood

One of the things that I love about blogging is having the chance to see the world without leaving my room. I love to know what's going on out there, to hear stories about how God is working, changing and touching other people's lives, and to do Bible study by reading other bloggers' posts. Blogging is just an amazing way to reach out and meet other Christians.

And one of the great cause/orgs/blogs that I met is the Shelterwood of Doulus Ministries. Pete of Shelterwood left me a comment and asked if I would be interested to exchange links with them...Well Pete, I am not only interested but I am also honored to exchange links with you guys. =D

Visit their blog,which I enjoyed reading, and the site to know more about them.

What is Shelterwood?

Shelterwood is a licensed Christian residential teen treatment facility. Our counseling program is dedicated to helping troubled teenagers find restoration through Christ-centered relationships. We believe that every interaction is a therapeutic opportunity that helps teens change their behavior from the inside out. Shelterwood provides individual, group, and family therapy along with an accredited school and

mentorship program. We treat struggling adolescents that may be spiraling out of control and showing signs of:

  • low self-esteem, depression and suicidal thoughts
  • abuse, anger, oppositional defiance or anxiety
  • drug and alcohol abuse, addictions or rebelliousness
  • academic challenges, learning difficulties and school suspensions
  • low motivation, manipulation, and poor peer choices
  • family conflict and substance abuse
  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Restoration & Transformation

Shelterwood offers families of troubled teens a therapeutic treatment plan that is based on the teachings of Jesus including honesty, purity, humility, and self-control. To create change in the lives of troubled teens, our staff try to reflect the love of Jesus. We believe that through the name of Jesus our lives and the lives of the teens can be transformed. Most youth arrive with a great deal of anger and confusion regarding spiritual issues. We expect this hostility and understand their distrust of the religious community. We are intent on loving the students so that they feel heard and able to open themselves to growth in body, mind, and spirit.

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