Monday, December 28, 2009

I'm a Citizen of Heaven ^_^

Born of the flesh, conceived in sin,
Then born of the Spirit, new life to begin;
I’ve been washed in Christ’s blood and this will suffice,
Praise God I’m His child, I’ve been born twice!

Father, thank You for my life, for allowing me to enjoy another year here on Earth. Thank You for a great 2009...

For 21 years of living the life that You had given me, I am glad and thankful that You had made my heart, Your home. Thank You for always being there and for not giving up on me. Thank You for loving me, for the people and events in my life that You had sent and made as an instrument to show Your love. Come and, again, make my heart, Your home for 2010.

Lord, words are not enough for me to express how thankful I am that You are our Father and that I am Your daughter. I am in awe and amazed by Your ways, oh God. Deeper and deeper I am falling in love with You.

Thank You Lord for the blessings that I had received for this year-my life, my family, my friends, for allowing me to be back in college, for our new place, for my Christian community, for the gift of faith, for the comfort at times when I was down, for Your overflowing love when I felt empty and most especially for the relationship that I have with You. Thank You Lord for helping me grow as a person and as a Christian.

Lord, forgive me for my mistakes, weaknesses, doubts, worries, and for being stubborn. Father, I am humbled by Your love and of how You accepted me despite of my impurities. Thank You Jesus for being our bridge to Our Father.

Lord, for the year 2010, I pray that You will continue to guide me and to teach me how to listen. I surrender my thoughts and plans. Teach me how to love others and how to be a reflection of Your love for them. Tell me what do You want me to do for You for the coming year, allow me to serve You. I pray for stillness, peace and more of intimate time with You. I pray for happiness for the people I love. I pray for a stronger faith, an understanding heart, patience, perseverance, focus, and peace.

Lord, You know what I need and what I deserve, I can't think of any earthly things as a gift for my birthday... I just want more and more and more of You.

Jesus, My Best friend, My First Love, My Comforter, My Redeemer...I love You so much.

thank You for another year....Happy Birthday to me! ^_^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Beautiful! I gave up Facebook and deactivated my account. So I missed your birthday. But now I remember. Happy birthday Paige! I trust The good Lord will see to it you grow and fructify also in 2010 and that you will find your path in the challenges of life in modern New York.

