Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Why I Blog

Before I finally decided to make this space a Christian blog, I used to write random stuffs just to keep this thing alive so I can continuously get offers for a paid post. I wrote and got paid to make reviews for products, services and events. However, I noticed that my posts are becoming more about my experiences and opinions as a believer and so I decided that I should stop blogging for money.

This blog has helped me get through a lot of stages in my faith; writing about my journey helped me evaluate my growth as a Christian. Whenever I feel like giving up, losing hope and struggling with my grasp, I look back and read some of my posts.

"Bring back the fire in my heart, Lord.
Remind me how to let go and trust You."

"We had so much fun that day, Lord. You lifted me up with the angels. You made me forget about the materialistic world and showed me the greater joy that can only be achieved through Your grace."

Those are some of the prayers that I say whenever I visit my previous entries of which some I find strange and unfamiliar, some makes me feel envious of the writer's faith and some makes me laugh about how little her faith is. Maybe this is because I write to give myself a lecture, to remind myself, to do self-talk and to talk to Him.

I can't make an entry whenever I plan to write. I am not a good writer and I know that most of the words in this blog are not mine. Those words just came out at that moment; I nod and reflect while I write because I am also learning from my own posts. If an entry sounds like a prayer, that's just me praying. If a post sounds like as if I am talking to somebody who already knows what's going on, that's just me talking to Him.

An example of an unplanned entry is this particular post that you are reading. I am being reminded to look back on those days when I cried out for mercy and He rescued me, days of which I have things that worries me but I still danced and worshipped Him.

Why do I blog? I guess it's because this is one of His ways of talking to me, one of His ways of reaching out to His daughter who loves to write and be online.

1 comment:

Ritah said...

I am glad I have come on here. I love this post, what a purposeful way to putting your talent and time to use.
I had wanted to blog for a while but kept putting it off because I did not have meaningful things to write and I did not want to rant and rave online. Well, I sought the Lord and he gave me direction.

I'll be coming on here more often.
