Friday, August 8, 2008

# book # god

The Dead Man Talked

The book 90 Minutes in Heaven is a true story about Don Piper who died for 90 minutes, went to heaven and returned to Earth. At first I thought the book is more about the description of heaven, but it isn't and that made the book even better to read.
Although I personally would like to know what heaven is like but I just feel that nobody can perfectly describe it and Don Piper felt the same too.

90 Minutes in Heaven is a story of a Pastor who ministers but couldn't practice some of his teachings. It is a story of proofs on how prayer and faith can cure us, can heal us and help us. The book tells us to trust God and reflect for the lesson that He wanted to teach us during the times that we are down.

Don Piper himself questioned God at the beginning of his sufferings. He asked Him why would He let him experience the joy and peace in heaven and then bring him back to Earth with the worst kind of pain that is beyond the pain scale of 10. He kept on begging for God to take Him back and refused to accept his mission on Earth. But God is just great that He didn't gave up sending him people as an intrument for him to know what God is teaching him and telling him to do.

A review from Barnes and Noble was written that says the book is not what it is all about and that you can read the 90 minutes experience of Don Piper in just 15 minutes.

That's true, you can read the experience for 15 minutes and I understand why the story about his experience is just that short. Heaven should not be described by details, it is something we should try to reach and experience personally. The book is not just about the heaven. It is about how the 90 minutes experience changed the life of the people- believer and non-believer (who became a believer eventually).

I personally recommend this book because it is very inspiring. It makes us realize that no matter how good a person is, that person will never be perfect. It is a book that tells us that the way of God is hard to accept but is easier if we only trust Him. It will make us realize that no matter who and where we are, God has a purpose for that.

Read the book. It is a must read!

"All praise to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the source of every mercy and the God who comforts us. He comforts use in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When others are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.'

2 Corinthians 1:3-4


Zombie Money said...

good write up :)

elizrecipe said...

hi fren love ur blog.Im christian catholic.Visit my blog too

Anonymous said...

"90 Minutes in Heaven" mmmmmm....

Wonderfull title which provokes the readers to stay still at least for 5 sec.