Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Come Holy Spirit, I Need You

Whenever I am depress, sad or miserable I tend to stay away from spiritual counseling or even to talk about my problem or even my blog. I know that worrying about my problems is a sign of having a little faith and, for me, that is a shameful thing to admit. I believe in Him and I know He had already planned something that is best for my soul.

I just think that if I will share it to others, my pride will just take over my being and advices will be too painful for me to digest. I don't mind letting other people know that I am having problems but normally, usually and most likely people will start to give their advices instead of just lending an ear.

That's why whenever I am in a difficult situation I try to deal with my weaknesses by myself and with the help of God. I tell my Father everything and just cry before Him. I really hate to have negative feelings because I know that those things are not from Him. I need to have some quiet time with myself and with God so I can freely show my sadness, weakness and shed my tears so that later on I can figure out that I am wrong. Through that way I can be able to think straight and allow my heart and mind to be open enough to hear words of wisdom, comfort and advices.

Brothers and sisters, I would like to humbly ask for you to include me and my family in your prayers. Please help us lift our petitions. Please help us pray for my dad's retirement benefits that may the Philippines army and government will already give what is due for him. Please also include our immigration status and that I will also be able to continue my studies and be a nurse soon.

Heavenly Father, I would like to thank You with all my heart for the things that You have given to me. Thank You for my life and the life that You have chosen for me to live. Lord, sorry for my weaknesses and for my sins. Father, please help me to be patient so I can wait for my prayers to be answered and that I couldn't make a wrong decision because I lack patience. Please also teach me acceptance and understanding if You have planned other things for me. Lastly, I pray for a humble heart and heart that will never forget You no matter what happens. Amen.


Anonymous said...

Oh my sweet Paige, my heart is breaking for you. I stand in agreement with you in your prayer. My friend, there are times when we really need to talk with someone who truly knows the Lord. Ask God to lead you to someone whom you can talk to when you feel like this. You are right there are those who will offer their opinions and advice when all you need is someone to listen to you. I am praying that God will bring that "someone to listen to you" into your life.

God bless and keep you my friend.

Mel Alarilla said...

Hi Penlighted,
Yes, I will pray for you, for your father so that he will get what is due him as retirement benefits, that your family's status in the US will be regularized and legalized and that you will finish your nursing studies. I pray to the Lord that He grants you all of the secret desires in your heart. This I pray heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen. God bless you all.

penlighted said...

Thank you very much for your prayers...^_^ I am ok now...feeling better...

God bless you Valerie and Mel!

Anonymous said...

yes sweetie, I will pray with you for all these things you asked for to come to pass. In due time, God answers prayers to His faithful children.